Today I’m going to share with you the on-line Flight Delay Compensation Calculator which you can use to determine if the airline owes you some cash in return for your inconvenience caused by plane delay or flight cancelation. It’s just the must-have tool and knowledge for each frequent traveler.
Let’s face the facts, taking the data from just last week (week 36 of 2019) – according to there were 13 361 delayed and 124 896 canceled flights worldwide and 45 103 delayed and 1 829 canceled flights just in Europe. This means that thousands of passengers could file a claim.

As company Airhelp states, just for one week around 95,000 passengers are entitled to compensation because of flight disruptions and yearly it can be even 2 million eligible passengers!
Unfortunately, due to the fact that only 13% of travelers worldwide are aware of their rights, most passengers will never claim their flight issues.
Flight Delay Compensation Calculator
As you are here it seems that you are the one who knows passenger rights. As many of my readers asked me a lot of questions about the EU241 flight claim I decided to create the flight delay compensation calculator which will give you the answer if you are entitled to such compensation and in which amount.
Please follow the questionnaire below picking the best matching to your case answer in each question and click the button “Calculate My Compensation” to see the result.
Next Steps
So you did your simulation. If the result is positive I guess you question yourself what you should do next? Well, the next step is to contact your airline via customer service and file the official claim by email or contact form.
And here is the tricky thing – you don’t have to be Sherlock Holmes to figure out that none of the airlines is happy to pay you compensation. They are trying to explain to you that it’s not their fault knowing that you have no clue about the real reason for the delayed or canceled flight, nor you can check it in some reliable sources. That happened also to me but I managed to get my money back with the support of the company called Airhelp. You can read the whole story in my previous article on how I got compensation for a delayed flight.
Flight Claim Management Company
Airhelp is so-called flight claim management company. It means that if you want, they will represent you in front of the airline in your struggle for compensation. Why it’s interesting?
First, they work in “No win, no fee” business model. It means you pay nothing unless they win your case. If they will succeed, then you have to share with them 25% of your compensation. Well, it’s fair enough for me as without their help my delayed flight to Shanghai would remain uncompensated (check the link to my story two paragraphs above).
Second, they are a big player on the market with great reputation (4,7/5 on Trustpilot) and can effectively fight for your money. It’s a strong argument as according to Airhlep’s study, around 45% of valid claims are wrongfully rejected by airlines. In other words, airlines know that they are likely to win (even in court) so they do not play with them like with us – average customers.
Wrap Up
Ok, I think that’s it. It’s high time to file some claims 🙂 Good luck and I hope you will find justice and get back your money.
Above all, I wish you on-time flights and safe air travels.

Featured image source: Lucas