The Most Punctual Airlines in 2018

The Most Punctual Airlines in 2018

Traveling is all about time. The more you are able to predict how long will it take to get to your destination, the more your travel becomes efficient and relaxing. One thing you can do is to pick the connection or airport which has the best on-time performance among the others. As we’ve just entered the New Year 2019, it’s time to collect some data on which were the most punctual airlines in 2018.

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US flight delay compensation – a step by step guide on how to get yours

US flight delay compensation

Maybe not everyone but roughly over 900 000 airline passengers per year qualify for some sort of compensation when their flights have been delayed. According to Henrik Zillmer, founder, and CEO of Airhelp, only 15% of total passengers receive compensation. The rest 85% is left with no money because of the following reasons: they do not know about their rights or they do not know how to file the complaint in the right way. But don’t worry – this article will explain to you how to deal with US flight delay compensation. Continue reading US flight delay compensation – a step by step guide on how to get yours

Denied boarding compensation – the ultimate guide

denied boarding compensation

I guess you know that when it comes to flights, sometimes things don’t go as planned… Therefore denied boarding compensation is the least that an airline can do for you in exchange for your inconvenience. And believe me, this can cause some stress including boarding another flight, rebooking or coming back home a day or more later than expected. The consequences may cost you much or at least you will disappoint your family or partners… This ultimate guide on denied boarding is a part of my series of articles called Flight claim compensation and will give you all necessary information about what to do if you face this issue on your own. Read on for the answers and other relevant details. Continue reading Denied boarding compensation – the ultimate guide

Top Flight Claim Companies – How to Pick the Best Flight Claim Management Company? (update: August 2022)

Top Flight Claim Companies - Featured Image

Hi again! In this post, I’m collecting the major players in the flight claim management market to make a small summary that should help you to pick the best one. All featured companies run their business in the no win, no fee model. It means that you pay nothing unless they will win your case. This article is a part of my flight delay compensation guidebook where you can find more detailed posts on how to apply for flight claim compensation.

Continue reading Top Flight Claim Companies – How to Pick the Best Flight Claim Management Company? (update: August 2022)

What to do if flight is cancelled?

What to do if flight is cancelled

If you check the recent numbers on flight delays you can find out that it’s not a rare event. Just in April 2018, 36 736 flights were canceled globally and 10 664 just in Europe. This is ~2% of the whole air traffic. It means that one of 50 flights are canceled. Is it a lot? Whatever your answer is, I think it is better to know the what to do if flight is cancelled? before it will be canceled.

Continue reading What to do if flight is cancelled?

Flight Delay Compensation Step by Step for EU Flights (update: May 2019)

Plane delay compensation

If you ever traveled by airplane, it could happen that your flight was delayed, canceled, rebooked, you missed connecting flight or you were denied boarding. Then you should know that there are laws which entitle you to remuneration, even after 3 years since it happened. This post is the first from the series of articles about applying for compensation for delayed or cancelled flight. The series will contain valuable information about flight delay compensation and how you should proceed to get what you need in simple steps.

Continue reading Flight Delay Compensation Step by Step for EU Flights (update: May 2019)