This time I’m going to deliver you the text on Airhelp review – a flight claim management company. In short, with their help, I managed to get compensation for a delayed flight, despite previous unsuccessful attempts to settle it on my own.
Continue reading Airhelp Review – How I Got Compensation For a Delayed FlightBest VPN for China – The Complete Guide to Connect The Free Internet While Traveling
Currently, in China, the free Internet does not exist. It is constantly being censored and monitored by the government. If you are going to visit China in business or as a tourist you will encounter problems with access to many of your favorite sites including Google, Facebook, Dropbox, and many others. Not only sites are blocked. Two years ago the Chinese Government decided to ban Whatsapp. That’s why you need to take a good VPN app with you. Read on to check what is the best VPN for China base on my research.
Continue reading Best VPN for China – The Complete Guide to Connect The Free Internet While TravelingBest Gifts for Travelers – 34 Gadgets Which Will Increase Your Comfort and Productivity
Nowadays you can select among tons of travel gadgets which help you survive the travel. I’ve decided to crawl into this ocean to pick the best things on the market to make your choice easier. As Christmas is coming soon this text can be also a valuable hint to pick the best gifts for travelers in your family (if you are not the one).
Continue reading Best Gifts for Travelers – 34 Gadgets Which Will Increase Your Comfort and ProductivityBusiness travel tips to reduce 7 types of waste.
Why do we search the web for business travel tips and travel hacks? The answer is simple – because traveling is full of waste. The more you are aware of this, the more you are able to protect yourself and save some of your precious time.
Continue reading Business travel tips to reduce 7 types of waste.
Lufthansa Premium Economy Review
Last week I had the opportunity to fly in Lufthansa Premium Economy on the route Munich – Mexico City. In this article, I would like to share with you my experience from this flight.
Continue reading Lufthansa Premium Economy ReviewFast guide through China and Chinese culture for first-time travelers
Recently I was looking through my photos from China. Some of them remind me about the differences between European and Chinese culture, the others bring me the memories of things which surprised me. I was repeating myself “it’s a pity I did not know that before”… That’s how I came up with the idea for this article. Today, I’m going to collect all that what I’ve experienced and considered different in China compared to that what I’m used to in Europe. If you are going to visit China in the near future, reading this article will be a good start.
Continue reading Fast guide through China and Chinese culture for first-time travelers
Air China Premium Economy review
Long-haul flight in the Economy class is a kinda hard experience, especially when you travel like that very often. Therefore the majority of airlines offered the upgrade of Economy class called Premium Economy class. Air China is also offering this class and recently I had a chance to test it for the very first time. Is it a good deal to pay for it? In this article, I will share with you my experience from the flight Frankfurt-Beijing in Air China Premium Economy.
Continue reading Air China Premium Economy reviewHow to tip around the world – the ultimate guide
To tip or not to tip? This is the question… This is tricky because unfortunately there is no main rule which you can apply all over the world. In some countries you will find a tip on your bill by default, in others, it’s up to you if you want to tip or not and finally there are countries which you should not tip at all. That’s a real headache… I was lost in that. That’s why I’ve decided to write a guide on how to tip around the world. Continue reading How to tip around the world – the ultimate guide
Tom Stuker – the king of frequent flyers.
Recently, I was wondering about the frequency of my business trips compared to other employees on similar positions as mine. A couple of minutes with Google search results focused my attention on Tom Stuker. A 64-year old ATN executive who travels a lot. Really a lot. If you remember a 2009 movie Up in the Air with George Clooney then you know who I’m talking about. The main character of the movie is based on Tom Stuker’s story. Continue reading Tom Stuker – the king of frequent flyers.
The Difference Between Economy and Premium Economy – The Ultimate Comparison of Long-haul Travel Classes.
Recently I was trying to find some comprehensive data about different travel classes. I found what I was searching for on the Seatguru’s Airline Seat Comparison Charts. As I love numbers and data analysis, I took these figures to create some cool graphs to be able to show you what is the difference between economy and premium economy on long-haul flights. Continue reading The Difference Between Economy and Premium Economy – The Ultimate Comparison of Long-haul Travel Classes.